Safeguarding and Child Protection
At the Crescent, we prioritise safeguarding measures to ensure the safety of all children in our care.
We understand the critical role that safeguarding plays in schools and are committed to maintaining a secure environment for our students.
We do this by:
Providing a safe environment for children to learn and play
Health and safety regulations provide guidance and policies are in place.
Listening to what children tell us
Staff in school are always available to talk to pupils. We also have ‘worry boxes’ in each class and Place2Be counsellors are available at lunchtimes.
Identifying vulnerable children and families who may require additional support
We have Family Support Workers employed at school to offer advice and support to families and Place2Be counselling for our pupils and parents.
Acting swiftly and appropriately when child protection concerns are raised
We have 5 designated safeguarding officers in school who are responsible for Child Protection. Staff are always happy to speak to any parent who has a concern.
Working effectively with outside agencies who are providing services for our children
We have a duty of care to our pupils and all staff are supportive to agencies working with our families.
Following safer recruitment procedures and policies when appointing new staff/volunteers
All staff and volunteers working with our pupils are DBS checked prior to joining the school and there are staff induction procedures in place when new staff join.
Consistently promoting and ensuring safe practice within our setting
Our policies reviewed regularly and are in accordance with current legislation.
There is a legal requirement for us to monitor attendance closely. This is linked to attainment and to the welfare of all children.
The law states schools are not allowed to permit absence for holidays taken during school time. Requests for leave of absence for special circumstances must be made in writing to the head teacher before any leave is taken; it is authorised at the discretion of the head teacher. The Crescent works closely with the Educational Welfare Service.
Physical safety
The boundaries to our school are secured with high fences that are in good condition. These are checked and maintained regularly. All staff wear badges. All visitors must sign in and wear visitor badges. We have CCTV cameras in and outside the school. Fire drills take place regularly. Risk assessments are completed prior to any school visit.
Emotional Safety
We have a values-based ethos and all pupils are treated with respect. We have Place2Be counsellors who work with pupils and parents. We do not tolerate bullying.
Pupils are taught, through the curriculum, about personal and e-safety.
We do this to ensure
Safe - Happy - Learning
For children to learn they must feel happy, and to feel happy they must feel safe.
If you have concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing you should contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead at the school on
If you suspect that a child is at immediate risk of harm, call 999 and inform the police of your concerns.
Contact the police via their non-emergency number, 101, if you believe they need to be made aware of any worries about a child.
Utilise the NSPCC helpline's online form to report any distressing incidents or fears concerning a child's wellbeing. An advisor will evaluate your submission within 24 hours and determine what measures should be taken. You may choose to remain anonymous when contacting the Helpline; however, providing your name and contact information can be advantageous in aiding the protection of the affected child/children by allowing them to reach out for more details if necessary.
Phone: 0808 800 5000
Online form:
Safeguarding Advice Leaflets
How to Help Children Suffering From Depression & Anxiety | NSPCC
Preventing Child Self-Harm & Keep Them Safe | NSPCC
Help talking about difficult topics
Talk PANTS with your child (the underwear rule)
Helping children deal with divorce and separation
Mental Health Support-
Emotional wellbeing and mental health (EWMH) services provide support for children and young people up to the age of 18 who are living in Croydon.
Emotional wellbeing and mental health support | Croydon Council
Online Safety-
If you are worried about online safety, please report it here:
Submit a Report of Harmful Content (
The links below provide information on how you can keep your child/ren safe at home:
Parents and carers | CEOP Education (
Keeping children safe online | NSPCC