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Reception Work for Week Beginning - 20th April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you have managed to have a nice Easter break in these strange times! Below you will find a document with 16 different activities however I would again stress these are for you to choose from IF you want to. There is no expectation that you will complete them.

Page 1 - This is a letter from the school explaining the approach to Home Learning activities but also wishing to reassure you to only do what is not stressful for you and your family. 
Page 2 - Some parents have requested a timetable for their day. We would suggest keeping your day as relaxed as possible however we have included a timetable here if you do feel you need it. There are also some questions to ask children whilst reading with them.
Page 3 and 4 -   ​You will find a selection of activities for you to dip into throughout the week. This week they are all based around the book "The Dot" which I have recorded myself reading for the children and uploaded to Tapestry. We'd love you to leave a comment under the video and tell us what you thought of the story. If you are having trouble accessing tapestry please let us know. Just in case, here is a link to the story too https://photos.app.goo.gl/K3PVFFd666k4rzNk8

Miss Peacock and I are always here to help if you are having trouble or concerns at all. Please do contact us through email or Dojo if we can be of any help. Don't forget to upload pictures of what you have been doing to Tapestry as we can make comments and also 'attach' it to learning objectives that are showing.

All the best,
Mrs Dench

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